Sunday, 25 January 2015

Culotte Series Part 3 - Party Culottes

It's the third and final instalment of my little culotte series! 

For the last one I obviously had to go down the party route. I had to put together something you could shake your laffy taffy in, in da clewb. Something with a little bit of sparkle. I actually wore this outfit on NYE this year but sequins shouldn't be reserved for the festive season, they should be embraced all year round, don'tcha think?

Top (worn backwards) - Similar here
Culottes - Closet via ASOS
Heels - Primark

This outfit kept me dancing all night on NYE, I didn't have to panic about getting too drunk, turning into Betty Spaghetti and flashing my undergarments a la Britney Spears circa ....!!! 

Even when it got a bit much and looked like I was going to have a little disco nap, the light would catch my sequins and perk me up again. 

The little sequin number is actually a top I've worn backwards to add a little pizzazz to the ensemble. 

But you could always whip it off and flail it around like a little sequin flag. 

(Excuse my dusty butt, I must have lost balance and stumbled into the wall behind me). 

If you've seen any of my other culotte looks, which was your favourite? If you haven't you can have a peek here and here


Image Map


  1. Love, love, love this outfit!

  2. It's quite a classy look but the sparkles make it party-ready - I like it a lot!

    Claire // Technicolour Dreamer // Bloglovin'

  3. Love the pants!! ;)
    Kisses from Spain.
    Xoxo, P.

    My Showroom

  4. Love this post and the others from your culotte series! I've nominated you for the Liebster award and I look forward to seeing your answers which you will find on my new blog post.

    lcm xo

  5. <33333 such stylish look!
    love it


I would love to read any comments from anyone who has read my post! Also, if you subscribe it would be greatly appreciated! Sonia xxx

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