Sunday, 13 April 2014

Being a creep

The other day I ventured into London armed with a camera I hardly know how to use and two beautiful models to take pictures for my Final Major Project at uni. We meandered down the South Bank, went on a carousel, ate candy floss, sauntered round the Natural History Museum and then went for homemade lemonade and a strawberry tart in South Kensington. As the day came to a close, I decided to take some outfit pictures and get on the other side of the camera. One of the models and I slinked off down what looked like what going to be a dodgy little alleyway but we were pleasantly surprised when we saw this adorable little house.

My day must have been pretty strenuous as I ended up more crumpled and creased than a discarded crisp packet, which makes for a stunning set of blog pictures. Nevertheless, you can still appreciate how adorable this Warehouse twosie is (top here, and bottoms here). It's so comfy that I felt like I was in my pj's, which is exactly how you want to feel for a day of prancing around with a camera pretending to know what you're doing. I should have taken a picture of the whole house because it was super cute but I already felt like a bit of a creep loitering around, pretending to live there. 

Christ, I do apologise for how desperate for an iron I am. My OCD Mother would have a fit if she saw these.

Remember how on the first day of a new school year your mum would always want a picture of you in your new uniform? Well this what it would look like if this was my crib. Anyway, I better rush through the rest of this post before I get caught being a house pervert.

 Monki Necklace.

 I am in love with these ASOS slip-ons. I guess this is the closest I'll get to having mermaid feet, which is a devastating thought to have to come to terms with. Excuse me while I go sob into my pillow. 

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Sunshine and sequins

Is there anything more wonderful than putting on some sequins and glistening in the sunshine? Well maybe bathing in a vat of cookie dough ice cream whilst being serenaded by a pack of yapping pug puppies, but for the time being this'll do. This Saturday I made my way to Spitalfields Market with some of my lovely gal pals from uni to do a little shoot and film for my little treacle tart Laura's Final Major Project (here is her blog). She's currently working on getting the footage together so I will post that and some more about that day sometime in the very near future... Here is the attire I decided to sport for the day.

I'm having a love affair with all white everything at the moment and one of my most recent purchases is this delicious leather jacket from River Island, ain't she a beauty? 


 Continuing the white theme is this dream of a rucksack from New Look. It's such a good size, everything is currently rattling around in there. I'll pad it out with some candy or something.

 My cropped jumper is from Glamorous.

Although I was tempted to wear some white shoes, I decided to push some pastel into this ensemble. 

 Matching with my nail polish, of course. This one is Models Own and smells like apples, so delish. My ring is from ASOS.

 Thought I'd treat you to a little close up of the sparkles, courtesy of River Island.


 I'm proud of myself for getting through the day without staining all the whiteness I was rocking, especially as my day started with a huge, melty double chocolate chip muffin and ended with a couple of naughty-looking red cocktails. God, I live life on the edge.
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