The other day I ventured into London armed with a camera I hardly know how to use and two beautiful models to take pictures for my Final Major Project at uni. We meandered down the South Bank, went on a carousel, ate candy floss, sauntered round the Natural History Museum and then went for homemade lemonade and a strawberry tart in South Kensington. As the day came to a close, I decided to take some outfit pictures and get on the other side of the camera. One of the models and I slinked off down what looked like what going to be a dodgy little alleyway but we were pleasantly surprised when we saw this adorable little house.
My day must have been pretty strenuous as I ended up more crumpled and
creased than a discarded crisp packet, which makes for a stunning set of
blog pictures. Nevertheless, you can still appreciate how adorable
this Warehouse twosie is (top here, and bottoms here).
It's so comfy that I felt like I was in my pj's, which is exactly how
you want to feel for a day of prancing around with a camera pretending
to know what you're doing. I should have taken a picture of the whole
house because it was super cute but I already felt like a bit of a creep
loitering around, pretending to live there.
Christ, I do apologise for how desperate for an iron I am. My OCD Mother would have a fit if she saw these.
Remember how on the first day of a new school year your mum would always want a picture of you in your new uniform? Well this what it would look like if this was my crib. Anyway, I better rush through the rest of this post before I get caught being a house pervert.
Monki Necklace.
I am in love with these ASOS slip-ons. I guess this is the closest I'll get to having mermaid feet, which is a devastating thought to have to come to terms with. Excuse me while I go sob into my pillow.